Facial Biometrics

Time is money in our industry and yours. Your employees are paid a salary and must perform well at your workplace.

Money and effort are wasted due to payment for non-work, excessive overtime, or buddy-clocking when a facial biometrics system is not in place.

To maximize their return on investment and streamline their business processes, Ultrasafe SA recommends that all of our customers use the best facial biometrics systems and hardware currently available.

The world has been more aware of the dangers of contact-based attendance systems after the release of covid-19. Except for the facial recognition for attendance system, which is completely touchless, there is no other type of attendance system. Simply said, the user must reveal his face. Automatically, the system is activated.

People will be sensitive to the touches they make even when the world is free of covid, thus a sanitary system will be beneficial.

Fingerprint systems have been shown again and time again to fail when fingers are unclean, oily, damp, or injured. The accuracy of face attendance is around 100 percent.

Facial biometrics-how it works

Biometrics uses our most distinguishing bodily characteristics and behaviors as digital identifiers that computers and software can decipher and use for identity-related purposes. They can be used to verify the legitimacy of a claimed identification or to identify someone in a biometric database.

The science of biometrics is used to a user’s face traits in facial recognition technologies. Facial recognition algorithms build a biometric template by detecting and measuring different features, such as the location of the eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, chin, and ears, on human faces. A match score is calculated by comparing two templates and determining the chance that the two photos belong to the same person. It’s also possible to use liveness detection to make sure the biometric sample isn’t a digital or paper reproduction.

What exactly is facial recognition and how does it work? The following are the basic steps, which vary depending on the technology:

Step 1: A photo or video is used to obtain an image of your face. It’s possible that your face will appear alone or in a throng. You may appear to be looking straight ahead or virtually in profile in your photograph.

Step 2: The geometry of your face is scanned by facial recognition software. The distance between your eyes and the distance from your forehead to your chin are important considerations. The software recognizes facial landmarks (one system recognizes 68 of them) that are important in differentiating your face. As a result, you’ve developed a unique face signature.

Step 3: A database of known faces is matched to your facial signature, which is a mathematical formula.

Step 4: A decision is reached. Your faceprint might match one in a database of facial recognition images.

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